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Flying copper hair under twin barrettes swing out on two sides like sun-
kissed angel wings in the light, hinged and held firm under her hairline,
Small Copper flutters to sun-braised colour, stopping to sniff at a hint
of ragwort, fleabane, and buttercup, grouped flower to moth-eaten
flower, she picks a handful, throws the blooms high to fall like
confetti, careless to Monarch, who set heart on the dazing
yellow patterns and followed their flight to flutter down
fast and so we kneel, oh not to praise Ra, or whoever,
but the small carnival of now, with beetles and wood-
lice crawling, and the ladybirds and lime green lace-
wings and aphids just hanging lazy on the air, and
later, how we’ll skip hand in hand down the same
lane of life and memory, pigtails flying again
on a sepia coloured day, a giggling sugar
rush memory of being out late, teatime
was called some hours ago, but it’s
summer summer summer... and
who wants to go home with so
much to explore and all the
butterflies simmering in the
hot dusty air... when, with
a flutter and disengage
she’s off and all race
you! to the big tree
and back, or let’s
go grab our bikes
and get Slushies
to slurp on and
we’ll blue up
our faces and
grin down the
end of the day,
and sit on the
gate, swinging
our legs in the
Sarah Wallis is a poet & playwright based in Scotland, UK. Recent work is at Beir Bua, The Madrigal, Spectra and Inkdrinkers, forthcoming in The Broken Spine and Ample Remains. She has two chapbooks, Medusa Retold, available from @fly_press and Quietus Makes an Eerie from Dancing Girl Press, with How to Love the Hat Thrower due next year from @SelcouthStation. She tweets @wordweave and you can find out more at
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